Post by David NebauerAfter upgrading to svn revision 193 I now get an error when running
the command
refdbd -a -D "sqlite" -i "/var/lib/refdb/db"
as part of the debian package install. It announces the error
'(null)' cannot be resolved as a hostname
and exits with a non-zero return value.
This is a quoting problem. The postinstall script is assembling the
following command:
cmd="refdbd -a -D \"sqlite\" -i \"/var/lib/refdb/db\""
and executing it with a simple
This reproducibly causes the error message reported earlier.
As a matter of fact, this error is caused by the quoting of the database
# cmd="refdbd -a -D \"sqlite\" -i /var/lib/refdb/db"
# ${cmd}
'(null)' cannot be resolved as a hostname
Quoting the main database directory causes a different error:
# cmd="refdbd -a -D sqlite -i \"/var/lib/refdb/db\""
# ${cmd}
maintenance of main database failed
Use of single quotes for the internal quoting
cmd="refdbd -a -D 'sqlite' -i '/var/lib/refdb/db'"
produces the same error.
Removing the internal quotes entirely
cmd="refdbd -a -D sqlite -i /var/lib/refdb/db"
solves the problem and the command executes without a problem.
At a minimum I must be able to quote the main database directory since
the user may have placed it in a directory path containing spaces.